We started off our Jozi sessions with this sweet little family.
How gorgeous is this little princess!?
Granny and Aunty even made it into one or two shots!
Thanks to my darling sister for all her amazing assistance and wild organizational skills on these sessions. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you also to Christl Watt for all your help and support as well as kickass second shooting on the day. A special thanks also goes to Rosemaryhill for allowing us to shoot at their beautiful venue. Rosemaryhill also has a great coffee shop and is a fab area for riding.
Had such an awesome day. What beautiful families we got to ‘catch’. Beautiful stuff, Oh Great One!!
PS>second the comment re your amazing sister!! She was awesome!!
Lex..thanks for the kind words. :)
These pictures are gorgeous :) How beautiful was this family!
Wow, super stunning.
Ah well done Lex and well done Kirk doing what you do best.
Lovely pics.