Tim and Juliet

Meet Juliet and Tim.  Wild.  Crazy.  Free.  Their love is large, generous and unreserved.  It was an absolute treat working with them ♥  My hubby remarked at one point that Julz has enough personality for 5 people, she really is that awesome!  Just look at these guys ♥

Their wedding was held at the always lovely Netherwood in the KZN Midlands.

Now Tim and his groomsmen are all pretty amazing in my book!  I managed to get my car stuck in the mud (as you do in rainy season) they all jumped right in and pushed my car out without being asked and in the process getting splattered with mud to which they simply laughed off.  Tim you and your friends – top class!

Tim and his dad lay on the grass drinking wine and chatting together a couple of hours before the ceremony.  Love this :)

Juliets gift to Tim ♥

Tim and his sister on the right ♥ High Five!!!

Loads of high fives on this day, I ‘just’ managed to catch this one between Julz and her dad ♥

When Julz got to the front of the isle she was overcome by emotion and flung her arms around Tim and they both laughed and cried together, and we laughed and cried with them.  Sheesha! Roller-coaster ride of emotions on this day ♥

Dance off!!! Love these guys!!

Father daughter dance killed me, I was nearly ugly crying but for professionalism sake kept it on the low down.

Above:  Tim and his mom, how cute!? ♥

Wild party!  Dancing on the bar and free falling to Tom Petty.  Wild.


  1. What a ridiculously cute bride! And gorgeous pics! SO much beautiful emotion captured! xx

  2. Wonderful photos of a memorable day. Happy ever after………

  3. Giselle Ferreira says

    I looooove Fridays when you Blog…my weekend always starts off with a smile :)

  4. May both your lives be filled only with tears of joy and unabashed happiness as evidenced in these truely magnificent picures.

  5. fantastic photos. nearly crying myself! Congratulations Julie and Tim.

  6. Don’t know the couple…BUT WOW… they look like such Amazingly FUN Awesome People.
    Stunning Pictures, another fantastic day of memories captured! Well Done.

  7. Thanks for all the awesome comments ♥♥

  8. Lex, your work always makes me smile <3 you capture the most amazing moments!!

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